Personal Lifetime Advocacy Networks of Rhode Island
Building Networks for Life
His Community
Mark Susa and his personal support network build community in Warwick
Ever since Mark got his freedom machine, AKA manual wheelchair, while he was in preschool, he has been committed to getting out and about. For a while, that desire expressed itself in road racing, including four marathons, beginning while he was still a student at Toll Gate High School.

“PLAN RI has provided opportunities for our son, Kevin, to participate in activities he enjoys with people who know and love him that extend far beyond his immediate family. Over the years members of Kevin’s network have provided him with job and volunteer opportunities in addition to countless recreational and athletic experiences that he will cherish forever! “.
~Mike Goldberger

State House
Network of the Year: 2018
The sign that Sidney Skurkovich stood next to at the end of the 2018 RI Women’s March said, “Respect and Peace to every person.” Maybe that motivating belief
is why, when Janet Emison sustained a brain injury
just weeks after the Skurkovich/Dorros family chose her to be the facilitator of Sidney’s personal support network, Carol promised, “We’ll wait.”