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Building Networks for Life


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PLAN RI owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the RI Developmental Disabilities Council for making their office available to us for meetings and for helping to inform people about the unique way PLAN RI builds a good life for its lifelong members and peace of mind for their families.

PLAN RI accepts no government funding. Instead, the families of the focus person(s) have made a financial commitment to PLAN RI so that the facilitator will be paid and the personal support network will be sustained throughout the lifetime of the focus person. Everyone involved in PLAN RI is then able to advocate within the service system on behalf of the lifelong member without fear of reprisal.

PLAN RI seeks additional funding from private foundations and socially conscious corporations in order to expand upon the basic services you can read about on this web site.



























For example, PLAN RI subsidizes the membership and facilitator costs for a family who needs the additional resources. We are most grateful to the individuals who have donated to the charitable activities of PLAN RI. The John E. Fogarty Foundation also contributed generously to his subsidized PLAN RI network in 2008, 2009 and 2010. As the Chair of the House appropriations Committee on Labor, Health, Education and Welfare Subcommittee throughout many of his 13 terms in Congress, Representative John E. Fogarty fought successfully to increase the funding for health research and medical care. Beyond that he was personally compassionate and generous to the needs of people with special needs of every kind. the board of the foundation that he started continues his good work in the 21st century by funding the work of PLAN RI.

The board and staff of PLAN RI also want to express appreciation to the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities at Rhode Island College for their in-kind contributions for our first statewide conference and for hosting our web site on their bandwidth.

We also invite you to contribute to Personal Lifetime Advocacy Networks of Rhode Island (PLAN RI). Please see our menu for our contact information. We know that the community abounds with generous individuals because we have experienced their giving of themselves through the networks of our lifelong members. We thank all who have acted upon their magnanimous impulses on behalf of our organization and its members.

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Image by Manuel Cosentino

GoodSearch is an internet search engine that donates money to various non-profit organizations including PLAN RI. Every time you use GoodSearch instead of your usual search engine and name PLAN RI as the charity to which they should contribute, they make a small donation to us. Add up those over time, and we will benefit more than you might expect. GoodSearch works the same way as any search engine does. Because it is powered by Yahoo!, it has access to the same enormous database, so please don't think that your options will be limited by this unfamiliar search engine. You can download the GoodSearch toolbar and permanently name PLAN RI as 'my charity'. Visit their homepage at and follow their directions.

You don't need to make a donation yourself, just use the program to find what you are looking for on the web. The instructions are quite simple and the results are what you would expect. this is a quick and painless way to help PLAN RI build some unrestricted funds. If you are satisfied with the way it works, you could increase capacity by inviting others to use GoodSearch to benefit PLAN RI. The more people who use it, the more resources PLAN RI will receive and the more stability PLAN RI will have in the long term.

For more information email us at

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